A home pedicure is a relaxing way to pamper yourself, and organic products are an ideal choice for skin care. Organic pedicure products are widely available, affordable, and gentle on sensitive skin. Stock your cabinets with basic tools, including a pumice stone and nail file, as well as lotions, creams, and other foot care products for a home pedicure that will leave you feeling relaxed.
A pampering home pedicure requires a few basic items. Soaking salts can add fragrance and help to soften your skin, while a foot scrub helps to remove dry skin and moisturize. A rich, organic foot cream is essential for even a quick pedicure. You also need a natural pumice stone or foot file, a nail file and clippers, and polish and top coat if desired. Nail polishes free of harmful chemicals are available from some organic cosmetics companies, or you can opt to buff your nails with a soft nail buffer for a natural shine.
You can squeeze a home pedicure into five minutes or take 30 minutes for a relaxing break from daily life. If you have only a few minutes, use an organic scrub to remove dead skin and soften your feet, then file and polish your nails. A few more minutes allows you to wrap your feet in a hot towel after you use a scrub. When there’s time to spare, soak your feet in a luxurious organic foot soak and exfoliate with a file or pumice stone, then clip and file your nails. Polish or buff your nails.
While a number of companies make organic pedicure products, you can make your own at home. Combine 1 cup brown sugar, 2 tbsp. olive oil and 1/2 pint fresh crushed strawberries to create an exfoliating foot scrub, recommends “Good Housekeeping” magazine. Combine warm milk, honey and lavender essential oil to make a soak for dry skin. After soaking in the milk and honey, coat your feet in a mixture of melted chocolate chips, honey and egg yolk. Wash away and moisturize.
Organic skin care products, including pedicure products, contain recognizable ingredients, including natural emollients and exfoliating agents. Scrubs are apt to rely upon apricot seeds, sugar or salt, while moisturizers may contain coconut oil, cocoa butter, shea butter or avocado. Natural nail polishes suitable for an organic pedicure are free of potentially toxic chemicals, like toluene and formaldehyde.
Regular pedicures can keep your feet looking and feeling their best. Opting for organic products for your pedicures, whether you make your own or purchase organic foot scrubs and creams, reduces the number of chemicals on your body and in your home. If you do opt to purchase natural pedicure products, you can feel good about supporting companies that support a healthy environment.