It’s always nice to be invited to things, but sometimes it gets to be overwhelming! I feel that way right now, as summer draws to a close and back-to-school, football leagues and biz events are filling my calender at a record pace. And add to that, the social personal fun, too. Fall is a crazy busy season, and it feels like I go from summer to Christmas, in the blink of an eye.
I’m exhausted just looking at my calender, and really it’s just the usual mom stuff plus my biz and social things, so it’s all good, it’s all fun. No real complaints here. I’m just trying to decided how to limit my time away from the important “home time” in the evenings with the kids (doing homework, talking, etc.) and making sure that I my daytime for productive work. I’m limiting myself to 2 events per week, or 3 if two of them are business related. The truth is, I love events both personal and work related, so I think it’s a bonus when you can mix biz & pleasure.
If you find yourself overwhelmed with too many invites and obligations, sift through them and see which ones mean the most to you at this point in time, which ones may have recurring opporunities and which ones just seem like an intrusion on your time.
Pick and choose carefully. I also suggest doing a few events that may make you feel out of your comfort zone, like attending an event where you won’t know anyone or aren’t specifically in that industry..Those events are usually the most rewarding and leave you with that extra skip in your step for a few days!
There’s only so much time in the day, week, month and then poof! another year goes by in a blur. Set your priorities, amd don’t be afraid of saying no. Or better yet, just say “I’ll be there next time!”
Follow Sandy on Twitter @SandyAbrams