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Romantic Gifts to Make for Valentine’s Day

Move beyond the usual box of chocolates and bouquet of roses, and make your own romantic gifts for Valentine’s day. Even if you are not the most skilled do it yourselfer, odds are likely that your partner will be impressed even if all you can do is prepare a batch of cookies from scratch.

DIY Candy

Making candy yourself is not that difficult, as long as you know how to melt chocolate. Make heart-shaped chocolate treats by pouring melted chocolate chips into candy molds. Use white chocolate chips with a drop of red food dye added to it to make pink hearts. When the candy has set, arrange the hearts in a paper box, and wrap the box with pink or red tissue paper and ribbon. In place of heart-shaped candy, you can dip pretzels or strawberries in the chocolate and package those nicely. If the idea of melting chocolate intimidates you, personalize a regular chocolate bar by removing the paper wrapper and making your own, romantic wrapper to replace it.

Sweet Soap

Turn a plain bar of glycerin soap into a Valentine’s day gift simply by melting it and reshaping it into a heart. Chop up a bar of soap, and combine in a microwave safe dish with a few drops of red food coloring. If you want scented soap, add a drop of an essential oil. Pour the liquid soap into a pan, then let it harden for a few hours. Place on a cutting board, and use heart-shaped cookie cutters to cut the soap. Wrap each soap heart in cellophane, and place in a pretty basket to give to your love.

Dressed-Up Candles

Give the gift of light by sprucing up inexpensive candle holders with lace or paint. Use a transparent paint designed for glass so that the light of the candle will still show through. Paint a design on the candle holder that somehow fits with Valentine’s day or customize it with your wedding date or both your names. If you decide to decorate the candle holder with lace, simply glue a small piece of lace around the holder. Use a glue that won’t melt from the heat of the candle, such as a glue stick.

Dressed-Up Picture Frame

Place a photo of you and your love in an inexpensive frame. Paint the frame with craft paint or embellish it with lace, glitter or sequins. If you would like, write “Valentine’s Day” and the year on the frame. Write a short love note on the backside of the frame.

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