Off The Fence and Out Of The Closet
By Guest Blogger, Adrienne Mosse So there I was lying in my crib, a newborn in the hospital, just hangin out with the other newborns in the nursery, and something just didnt feel right. I knew I was different from all the others, but I just couldnt pinpoint what it was Okay, I didnt quite know THAT young, but I may as well have.
Taking The Road Less Traveled
So, I was having lunch with an old client/friend of mine this week. It was great. We reconnected over sushi and wine. Yummy food, yummy wine, yummy company. We hadnt seen each other in over three years we calculated, because the last time she saw me, she said I was pregnant. Yeesh for her! But, you know those friends that you dont see often, and the minute you lay eyes on each other, you pick right back up where you left off? Shes that kinda friend.
Getting Yourself Out Of A Funky Rut
Ill never forget how I soaked up, How Stella Got Her Groove Back. I saw the movie with a girlfriend in theaters when it first came out, and for us, it was two hours of bliss. The premise: a gorgeous burned-out forty-something woman reignites her fire by running away to Jamaica and finding a bedmate half her age. Now obviously, this is not what I would suggest for all women in a funk! It …
The Joys Of Divorce By Man On The Fence
Our anonymous Man On The Fence has chosen his topic, and is making his second guest appearance today. I read his Blog post while waiting in line to pay yesterday at Walmart. I bawled my eyes out. Here he is, our very own Guest Blogger, Man On The Fence
Keeping The Balls Juggling In The Air
I had lunch with a close friend yesterday, and we were doing our usual lunch and chat, and chat, and chat. I love her, cuz shes my no bullshit friend. We cut right to the chase. No small talk. Open hearts on the table, raw emotions. And for yesterdays session, her feelings were that of many of us women, I feel like Im constantly keeping the balls in the air. The juggle never stops. Quite frankly, its exhausting. Calling all jugglers and working moms!!