Sending Love To The Haters
I promised my readers when I started blogging, that I would always be honest– show the good, the bad, and the ugly. And for that reason, I’m sure you Modern Moms won’t question why I posted this below. Or maybe you might. Who posts hate mail? (And a pretty bad one, to boot.)
21 Ways To Declutter Your Head
So I woke up at 5:30 am on Sunday morning, stomach in knots and pretty anxiety-ridden. This upcoming week is a big one. I just launched The Erica Diamond Jewelry Collection for Ice, I’m missing back-to-school on Wednesday to shoot a TV segment out of town, and just the general mommyhood, wifehood and life duties are swirling around in my already-cluttered brain.
How to Know if You’re Doing the Right Thing As a Parent…
Spike Lee was on my mind this morning. Remember the movie, Do The Right Thing? Well, two weeks ago, I questioned myself– did I do the right thing? This morning, I questioned myself again, am I doing the right thing? I’ll get to my story soon, but first….
Top 7 Foods To Keep You Fit
I’m going with the rhythm of the people. You asked. I answered. Summer’s around the corner. Bathing suit season is almost upon us. The weather is improving. Comfort food is out.HEALTHY FOOD is in.
Mariel Hemingway on Her Grandfather, Career & the Love of Her Life
Mariel Hemingway and I have been in touch for a little over a year. I admire what she stands for, and how she has turned tragedy into triumph. Mariel is one classy lady, as you will see. Enjoy getting to know her in this candid interview.