Upper Abdominal Pain in Pregnancy
If you have upper abdominal pain during pregnancy, it’s not necessarily to automatically switch into panic mode, according to the March of Dimes. But any severe and long-lasting stomach pain or discomfort accompanied by dizziness or bleeding is considered a medical emergency; prompt medical help is essential in such circumstances to protect you and your future son or daughter.
Decoding a Man’s Hug
During the course of your week, you may be hugged in many different ways. How can you tell what the hug means, especially if it comes from a man? Women tend to hug friends and family enthusiastically, almost any time they meet together. However, men can be elusive and mysterious when doling out hugs. Here…
Basal Temperature As Sign of Pregnancy
Charting your basal body temperature gives you valuable insight and information about your menstrual cycle. Simply taking your temperature every morning tells you when you have ovulated, shows where you may have fertility problems and can even tell you that you are pregnant. However, using your basal body temperature as a sign of pregnancy is easier if you have been charting it for several months. Reading and interpreting your basal temperature chart takes practice. Once you become adept at understanding your temperature cycle and chart as well as determining your exact day of ovulation, then when your chart does start to show a pregnancy, it will probably stand out.
Does Pregnancy Cause Flu-Like Symptoms?
Several pregnancy symptoms do indeed mimic flu symptoms, especially early in the first trimester. In fact, your first signs of pregnancy may be feelings of the never-ending flu. Flu symptoms should not last more than a couple of weeks. If you have these symptoms and there is a chance you could be pregnant, consider taking a pregnancy test to be sure.
Can I Get Pregnant While Not Ovulating?
All the baby books tell you to have sex when you’re ovulating. That’s the basis of conception. One sperm fertilizing one egg means you’re parents. Following that logic, it makes sense that if you’re not ovulating, you won’t get pregnant. That logic, however, fails to take into account the longevity of sperm and the sometimes fickle nature of a woman’s reproductive cycle.