Five Best Practices for School Success
“You don’t have to make it perfect, but you can make it great.” – Alessio, my 5-year old son, advising his frustrated little sister on why her squiggly lines are okay in her first attempts at writing the alphabet
It’s back-to-school time again. In families across America the homework showdowns have already begun. Parents struggle with homework almost as much as kids do. After a full day at school, it’s hard to get …
5 Ways To Teach Your Kids To Be Thankful This Thanksgiving
A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the parent of all the other virtues. – CiceroGratitude – or a lack thereof – is something all parents encounter during the process of raising children. At some point or other, what mother hasn’t looked on with horror as her child blurted out a variant of, I dont like this! Its not what I wanted for my birthday! or worried that her kids took …
10 Promises I Make To My Children
Life is a beautiful mess. It comes at us so fast, at times, we are spun around and lose sight of who we are and what is important. This is true for parents and children alike – we almost need a map to navigate this ever-changing world. Yes, there will always be ups and downs, which makes life both challenging and a joyful adventure.Helping your children learn their centering place, and knowing your own as …
How to Match Your Parenting Style to Your Child’s Needs
“The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding.” – Leonardo da Vinci “I’m never going to drive when I grow up,” my 5-year-old son, Alessio, says in his quiet, determined way. “I am,” his sister, Sienna, replies. She is three. “I’m going to drive a pink convertible, and I’m going to drive it really fast.”…
Mommy Needs a Drink
A true friend is someone who makes you feel better than you think you are. – Me