3 mins read

Travel Survival Skills for Car Trips With Kids

We’ve all been there. Cars, trains and airplanes can be quite the match for a parent’s patience level. But with a little bit of planning ahead and some critical supplies, you can conquer Are we there yet? syndrome and sit back to enjoy the ride. 1. Entertainment

3 mins read

The Effects of Academic Parental Pressure on Kids

As a parent, there are few pleasures greater than your child succeeding at school. However, if you put too much academic parental pressure on kids to do well, it can backfire severely and end up affecting them negatively in a number of different ways. Albert Einstein once said, "Education is what remains after one has…

6 mins read

Top 100 Moms List In Honor Of Mother’s Day

In honor of Mother’s Day, ModernMom is recognizing 100 Top Moms achieving significant life goals across twenty diverse categories from A-listers juggling the busy schedules of their kids to celebrity mom fitness instructors, financial wizards, physicians, foodies and former first ladies. ModernMom has always strived to be an inspiration to women around the world. By…

2 mins read

Spring Must-Haves!

It's Spring and it looks like there may (finally) be a light at the end of the dark tunnel we've all been in. That being said, we are all still staying home more and so we rounded up some nifty must-haves that you will definitely want to kick things up a notch!   Even with…