Mother Loses 92 lbs In 1 Year and Documents Every Single Step On Instagram
The expectations of feminine beauty range from the extremes of “magazine model envy” to “loving your body the way it is.” Rachel Graham, a 25 year old mom, has experienced both ends of the spectrum. Graham struggled with an eating disorder and severe depression starting at age 12. Fast-forward to her first pregnancy when Graham…
Lying Down With Your Children: Healthy or Not?
There is a lot of short-sighted finger-pointing when it comes to raising healthy, well adjusted, independent kids. One debate over which parents treat other parents very badly is whether or not you should lie down with your child at bedtime. Blogger Wendy Wisner feels this time in a child’s life when he even wants you…
Why We Kicked Our Newborns Out Of The Bed At 6 Weeks Old
The idea of co-sleeping or laying down with your kids before they fall asleep was a non-negotiable hell-to-the-naw for my wife as we were discussing the possibility of having children. When we did reproduce- we stuck to our guns- 6 weeks of age was old enough to be out on their own and in their…
This Final Goodbye From A Baby Twin To His Brother Literally Broke My Heart
There is a world so esoteric to twins, even twins can’t explain it! The bond between twins has been studied for years and, even at this stage, only so many questions can be answered. According to, one pair of twins featured in Debbie LaChusa’s Twin Connections: Stories That Celebrate the Mysterious Bond Between Twins…
Two 4-Year-Old Best Friends Show What Happens When You Don’t Teach You’re Kids How To Hate
Sondheim tried to tell us in a warped fairy tale; hatred is taught, not born. Prejudices are enforced with blind caution create a self-perpetuating cycle of racism, gender bias, and mindless violence. My own experience reaches back to first grade where I sat in a classroom with white kids, black kids, Asian kids, and who…