20 Fun Facts About Twins
These days, it seems every time you turn around there’s another double stroller rolling down the street. Think about it – how many sets of twins do you know? Multiple births are on the rise, and two babies means double the fun but also twice the worry!
Helping New Dads Bond and Connect With Their Babies
Nothing Ive ever done has given me more joys and rewards than being a father to my children. ~ Bill Cosby As a new mother, there is an undeniable intuitive knowing and connection between a mother and her child. Your baby is totally dependent on you and is comforted just by your energy, scent, heartbeat, and voice.
How To Stop Stress Eating
Conscious eating is about being aware of the things you are putting into your body. You want to eat a diet that FEEDS your body. So ask yourself is the food that I am putting in my body fueling me or is it feeding my emotions. A lot of times we eat to stuff down our feelings, comfort our anxiety or to fill a void in our lives. To better understand STRESS eating is to first to become aware of what you are doing, acknowledge when and why and then make a conscious effort to stop.
Aromatherapy for Labor and Birth Space
As a Birth doula with a background in healing, one of the healing modalities I use to better support my clients during labor is aromatherapy. Not only can it change the whole energy of the birth space but it also does so much to support the laboring mama. Here are a few of my go-to…
I Loved You Before You Were Born
I saw the sweetest thing between a mother and a child once when I was visiting with an old client of mine. It was time for her daughter to go to sleep and the mother (my client) asked her daughter what story she wanted before bed. The little girl promptly replied, I want to hear the story about how I was born.” My client scooped her daughter in her arms and began to tell this amazing tale about how this fabulous little being came to be here.