Autism and Dyspraxia
Autism and Dyspraxia What is dyspraxia? (I am no expert. This is info that I read recently and want to share what I think I learned.) Dyspraxia is also known as Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) or developmental dyspraxia. It is a chronic neurological disorder that typically begins in childhood. It can affect planning of movements…
Thinking Ahead about Autism
Thinking Ahead about Autism What do I mean? I’m talking about planning. Planning because you have a child with autism. This is more than planning for an event or a trip because you just have kids. I mean to take it one step further because you need to think a little more about your…
What an Autism Parent Notices
What an Autism Parent Notices This happens to me all the time. (I’ll assume this also happens to lots of AutParents.) I’m in a breakfast room at a hotel. I get up to get a spoon and I notice this seven or eight-year-old boy organizing the salt and pepper packets in the container. He’s…
What Causes Autism?
Here’s the way I see it (plus some information on a recent study on genes). Let’s approach the question differently. What does NOT cause autism? I have long held the belief that the MMR vaccine did NOT cause my son’s autism. I believe there are over 200 studies that debunk the idea that the MMR…
Autism and a New Study
Autism and a New Study Happy New Year 2022 Recently, I came across a study that provides one explanation on why autism presents in males more than females. NOTE: This is only one small study conducted by Dr. Christine Ecker of Goethe University in Germany. What did the study say? The study looked at why…