3 mins read

Go Healthy! Easy Snack Substitutes

You have your 3 square meals planned for the day, but what about those snacks in between? Do you find yourself clueless when it comes to healthy snacking? Well dont fret, because my easy snack guide will help you make better choices in no time. You will be left satisfied and looking good all year round!

1 min read

Food Benefits

A balanced diet not only promotes weight loss, but each food group provides essential vitamins and minerals to your body to keep it functioning. Take a look at what these foods offer your body.Dairy Essential for maintaining a healthy immune system. Helps to build strong bones; slows bone loss; and reduces fragility.Choose: Fat-free or low-fat milk and yogurt.Meat

2 mins read

Tips to Eating and Feeling Your Best

Here are the top ten tips to eating and feeling your best:(1) Eat breakfast. Eating in the A.M. will jump-start your metabolism. Studies show if you blow-off breakfast, youll be more likely to grab for junk-food around lunch time. A balanced breakfast includes whole grains, a little protein, and a fruit or vegetable. Try an egg white omelette with veggies and a sprinkle of feta cheese. Serve with whole grain toast on the side and an orange.

2 mins read

Quality versus Quantity

In most aspects of my life, I prefer Quality over Quantity. It is far better to have a taste of something delicious, real, honest, lovinganything good reallythan a handful of, well, crap!