Baby Hair Growth
There’s an old saying that if a pregnant woman has heartburn, her baby will be born with a full head of hair. Interestingly enough, there is a correlation between heartburn and hair on a baby, according to the New York Times. Still, a baby born with hair might not keep that hair. In fact, it is hard to predict just when your baby’s hair will grow, how fast it will grow or how much she will have.
When Does a Baby Develop a Heartbeat?
The nine months of pregnancy seem endless for many expectant mothers. In reality, it is amazing how much a baby grows and changes during that time. In fact, many of those changes, including the development of a heartbeat, occur before the expectant mother even knows she is pregnant, according to
Organ Development During Pregnancy
The development of a baby in utero is truly remarkable. Only a few weeks pass between the time an egg is fertilized and the heart begins to beat. While the organs may grow rapidly, some are not fully functional until the baby is full-term and ready to be born. Others, such as the heart, are functional before the end of the first trimester of pregnancy.
Brown Spotting While Pregnant
Any spotting or bleeding during pregnancy can be scary, but in many cases it does not signify a serious problem. This is especially true if the spotting is brown in color and if it occurs during the first trimester. In fact, spotting is relatively common during the first trimester, according to PregnancyToday. It is, however, important to contact your doctor whenever you have an onset of any kind of spotting during your pregnancy.
Can a Woman With Breast Implants Breastfeed?
Breastfeeding is the best way to feed your baby, according to the National Woman’s Health Center. There are benefits for mom as well. If you’re an expectant mother who has had breast implants, you may be wondering if you will be able to nurse your baby. The short answer is that it all depends on the type of surgery you had when you received your implants.