TV and Weight
Weight issues in childhood are an enormous problem for our country.The numbers are staggering.12.5 million children and adolescents are overweight.This number has tripled over the past 30 years.And, as we know,overweight childr
Back to School!
As summer break ends, my office starts to get busy. Putting all those kids together at school in a confined place is a perfect way to transmit infection. Here are some recommendations to limit your childs visits to the doctor this school year.First, I want to start with some basic, obvious healthcare tips. A good nights’ sleep paired with a healthy diet is imperative to good health and peak performance in school. If your childs diet lacks diversity, add a basic multivitamin.
Keep Your Kid Healthy this School Year!
As summer break ends, my office starts to get busy. Putting all those kids back together in school and in a confined place is a perfect way to transmit infection. Here are some recommendations to limit your childs visits to the doctor this school year.
Swimmer’s Ear
Pediatricians love the summer. Overall, our offices are much lesschaotic as we are not dealing with the flu and other illnesses thatwinter brings. There are some illnesses, though, that are linked withwarmer weather: sunburn, heat stroke, and certain bug bites, to namea few. A very common summer related illness is swimmers ear, andright now we are seeing at least three a day in my office.
How to Prevent Swimmer’s Ear
Pediatricians love the summer. Overall, our offices are much less chaotic as we are not dealing with the flu and other illnesses that winter brings. There are some illnesses, though, that are linked with warmer weather: sunburn, heat stroke, and certain bug bites, to name a few. A very common summer related illness is swimmers ear, and right now we are seeing at least three a day in my office.