1 min read

Brooke Burke’s Lentil Soup Recipe

I absolutely love lentil soup!Not only is it a great source of iron, but it’s tasty and my kids love it, too! Ingredients: 1 onion 3 cloves of garlic, chopped 1 bag of dried lentils 1 tsp salt 1 tsp pepper 1 bullion cube 3 bay leaves water Directions: Chop up your onion and garlic, nice and fine. Saut together, starting with the onion and then adding the garlic after 3 minutes.

4 mins read

Brooke Burke: Fitness Tips, Recipes + My Eating Plan

"You’re allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress simultaneously." Fitness is about getting a little uncomfortable. By that I mean the willingness to discover your boundaries, find your limits and the commitment to push through them. The benefits of working out and fitness go far beyond the booty and the bod.…

4 mins read

Brooke Burke’s Five Reasons To Work Out

It's 8:30am on a holiday weekend in Santa Monica, I’m sweaty, I’m fatigued & I feel FANTASTIC! I just walked out of a hot yoga class that was so much more than a body-chisel experience. It was my me-time, my personal time to re-connect with myself, my happy space to raise my energies and simply…

2 mins read

Brooke Burke’s Weekly Eating Plan

Here is a peek into what I eat for a typical week. Small, smart, and frequent meals are the way to go. I also included some of my recipes for you to try. Monday: Breakfast: Coffee with frothed almond milk + 1 tsp butter (gee) Post work out snack: Power shake (see my Holiday smoothie recipe)…