4 mins read

ModernMom Chronicles: Chapter Thirty One

The intention was to take a quick shower. However, standing under the cascade of warm water, Heather felt unable to move. Im morphing into the new Calagon woman, she thinks. Take me away. Or at least let me nap. Without Ava knocking on the glass shower door, Heather could stay in here forever.

4 mins read

ModernMom Chronicles: Chapter Twenty Eight

Last night when Erin called, the shopping trip sounded like a wonderful idea. I have a great personal shopper at Saks, Erin said. Natalie is a genius. Now, as Heather steps into the dressing room lounge in a tight tan sheath dress that fits her like a sausage casting and faces Erin, she realizes that this wasnt a good idea after all.

4 mins read

ModernMom Chronicles: Chapter Twenty Seven

What will I wear? Heather wonders as she carefully examines the thick ivory invitation. Cocktail attire on the beach at 5pm. Tricky. Her red Nicole Miller is too old. The Ralph Lauren would be perfect but its white. A wedding justifies the need for a new dress. Especially these days.