5 mins read

On the Road With a Fitness Guru

As I was gearing up for summer with the kids, I started thinking about what sorts of activities I could be doing with them. A road trip sounded like such a fun idea, even though I knew it would be a big undertaking.

2 mins read

Get Active: Raising Kids that Love to Move!

Raising active kids is a lifestyle, not a routine. As I work with my clients on a daily basis, many of the parents are concerned not only with their own health but the health of their children as well. I am reminded how VERY important it is to lead by example for your children.

2 mins read

Remember to Stay Active!

  As my kids start to get older and have more activities that they are involved in it has translated into more time in the car, which means less 'activity' time for mama.  My oldest daughter (7) has recently joined team for gymnastics, a 12hr a week commitment and a 40 min commute each direction…

1 min read

Be Prepared to Get Active!

If you’re always ready you never have an excuse. As a busy mom with 3 little kids my life is ‘crazy’ to say the least. Like many moms I don’t have the time to get to the gym everyday but I do make it a priority to MOVE MY BUTT every single day and it usually includes the kids.