Jon Gosselin Gets A Real Job!
We haven't heard much about Jon Gosselin in the media lately (thank goodness). But there's actually a really refreshing reason: he went out and got himself a real job!
No, not another show or anything media-related–a plain and simple computer-based job, just like he did before he started in reality TV.
According to an anonymous source, "Jon is back at work at a normal job not in media or entertainment. He's working in technology, which he did before the show."
If you were a fan of Jon & Kate Plus 8 back in the day, you'll recall that Jon was fired from his original job because caring for the twins and sextuplets required him to take too much time off from work. At that point, the family started relying on TV networks and promotions for their income.
Jon's hasn't been making a fool of himself in the news lately either. He hardly made a peep when ex-wife Kate took his eight children for Thanksgiving, and he seems to have a steady girlfriend too.
Good job, Jon! We were all annoyed with you, but you're starting to redeem yourself. Keep up the solid work!