1 min read

15 Minutes to Mental Health

Our mental state is just as important to our overall health as our physical state.  As a mom it’s hard to find time to take care of yourself, and even harder if you are a FIRST-TIME mom.  Start practicing now and make a habit of taking just 15 minutes a day to relax your mind as well as your body. 

Here are a few ideas:
-Power Nap

-Sit quietly and practice your breathing before you go to bed

-Get up 15 minutes earlier than the rest of the house and enjoy a hot cup of tea in the quiet.

-Soak your feet in a warm foot scrub while listening to relaxing music

-Go for a walk alone, and without your phone:)

These are just a few examples, you can do whatever is relaxing for YOU!  This is going to rejuvenate you on those long days, it will help you to find patience when you think you have none left.  Taking time for you will allow you to be a better wife, a better mom, a better employee or employer.  When we feel good it shows in everything we do.  When the stress takes over it’s almost impossible to give anything your best.

Share your favorite relaxation ideas with us.

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