3 mins read

Autism and the First Job

Autism and the First Job That’s right. My eighteen-year-old son with autism has a real job. How did he get it? Through a school work program that assists young adults with special needs with work experience. He had this exact same job lined up a few days before the 2020 pandemic shut down. He was…

3 mins read

Give Yourself A Break – Parenting Is The Hardest Job In The World!

As parents, we try so hard to do the right thing for our children in a world where there is no single right answer. The weight of this responsibility is huge. We get caught up in “should-dos.” Were quick to judge, and can be extremely harsh judges of our own parenting. Too often we forget to practice self-compassion. We forget to be quiet and still and listen to our own heart. There is endless …

4 mins read

Myths about Autism – Part Four

Myths about Autism - Part Four In this blog, I'll wrap up how I would debunk myths relating to autism. Myth #16: Children with autism don't feel emotions As I discussed previously about empathy, children with autism definitely feel emotions. They get frustrated, angry, sad, happy, and feel love. They simply struggle with expressing these…