2 mins read

Whooping Cough Natural Remedies

Whooping cough is a highly contagious, bacterial infection, also known as pertussis. Many whooping cough symptoms, including a fever and excess mucus, overlap with other illnesses, such as a flu or cold. The startling difference with whooping cough is the persistent bouts of coughing spells, which make it difficult for the patient to breathe. If you or a family member contracts whooping cough, see a doctor for diagnosis and antibiotics, before starting any home remedies.

1 min read

Does Your Baby Have Whooping Cough?

California health officials say that there has been an increase in whooping cough cases, killing at least five people in the past few months, two of which were infants. Whooping cough peaks in August and September and there are three times as many cases as expected for this time of year. Whooping cough, also known as Pertussis, is highly contagious and is spread by airborne discharges from infected individuals. Symptoms include a runny nose and rapid coughing that ends with a whooping sound. Read on for details about the disease and how you can protect your family from infection.

3 mins read

It’s Just a Cough, Right?

My son’s friends came home with him after school today to hang out for a while. As the boys tumbled through the door, divesting themselves of their jackets, backpacks and sneakers (no shoes in the house!!) I noticed that one of them was sporting a pretty nasty cough.

3 mins read

Recurring Cough in Children

It’s normal for children to cough once in a while, but a recurring cough can be alarming for both you and your child. Recurring coughs are defined as those that last for a long time or return again and again, according to DrPaul.com. Recurring coughs are a symptom, which means they have an underlying cause. The key to stopping the coughing is to find and treat the cause.

3 mins read

Coughing & Fever in Children

If you are like most moms, seeing your kid under the weather is difficult to take. While you know that bouts of illness will occur, watching your little guy suffer through them can be taxing. One of the illness types that you are likely to see frequently as your child grows is a cough and fever combination. If this duo hits your child, there could be an assortment of causes. Educating yourself on how to deal with this sickness is a wise choice.