2 mins read

Family Based Therapy Games

Whether your family has experienced some kind of tragedy or simply lost track of one another through the chaos of life, your kids, as well as the adults, may struggle to find the words they need to express their feelings and their needs. Your therapist may have some games for you to play that can open your minds and mouths to bridge communication. These games also give the therapist a chance to watch your family’s interactions.

2 mins read

How Long Should You Stay on the Weight Watchers Diet?

While many fad diets pose health risks over the long term, Weight Watchers offers dieters a long-term, flexible and healthy alternative. With smart maintenance plans and food education, you can keep the weight you lose off and stay healthy and in shape. Once you reach your weight goal, you can become a lifetime member of Weight Watchers. If your weight does creep up, simple diet changes can quickly resolve the trend.

2 mins read

Examples of Calorie-Based Diet Programs to Lose Weight

While fad diets offer weight loss solutions that cut one food group or combine foods, the basic answer to weight loss involves cutting calories. You can use a calorie-based diet on your own or you can opt for a diet program that keeps a watch on caloric intake for you. Smart dieters choose healthy, high fiber foods to stay full and feel good while watching their overall calorie count.

3 mins read

Weight Watchers Diet Tips

Weight Watchers is a popular weight loss program that focuses on making positive changes in your diet. Based on a points system, Weight Watchers offers participants flexibility and tools to change eating habits. Any diet plan takes effort and dieters will likely hit difficult periods in the process. Learning tips to make the Weight Watchers diet easier can help you stay on track.

5 mins read

10 Ways to Turn Fitness into a Family Affair

The following is a guest post by Brant Secunda and Mark Allen Does obesity run in the family? According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, if one parent is overweight, there is a 50 percent chance that their children will also be overweight. But when exercise becomes a family affair, everyone wins!