3 mins read

Video Games Geared at Girls

Forget all the rock-em, sock-em video games designed for boys… in the last few years, it seems like video game developers finally realized that girls like to have fun too. Maybe your little one yearns to explore wild forests and dive to the bottom of the sea. Maybe she just wants to have her own pet monster. Whatever the case, these fun games are tailor-made for girls: Moxie Girlz

5 mins read

Tips for Making the Most of Your Family Videos and Photos

As your kids grow up, there are tons of important milestones you want to catch on tape – from their first birthday to their college graduation and everything in between. But nothing’s worse than finding out after the fact that your footage isn’t exactly memorable! So to avoid any potential home video pitfalls, check out these helpful tips from Robert Vince, the writer-director-producer of Disneys Buddies movies: Watch Your Lighting

5 mins read

Mean Boys Are Just As Bad As Mean Girls

“Mom, can I ask you something?” my son asked me this as he put away his backpack after coming home from school. “Of course”, I answer, slicing apples and spooning out peanut butter for a snack. “What’s up?” “Why does everyone think I am such a loser? How come no one likes me?” I put…

8 mins read

Holiday Gift Guide For The Fam – 2019

Hard to believe it's already nearly Thanksgiving. That means it's time to get your shopping on! We found some fun gifts we know we'd like. We hope you do too. Looking for a unique gift for a baseball fan? This Lemon Peel Old Fashioned baseball is an amazing keepsake made from genuine Horween glove tan…