4 mins read

Best Baby Products To Get You Through The First Month

Hey, you there! Quick question: how would you like to be thrown into a situation you're completely unprepared for, get mixed advice from everyone, and it lasts for the rest of your life? Sound good? Then parenting is absolutely for you. The reality is that no matter how ready you think you are for life…

4 mins read

9 Body Image Questions You Need to Ask Your Daughter

Inspiring your daughter to be a healthy, fit, and confident young lady takes more than just driving her to ballet class, emphasizing a longer hemline, and serving up smoothies on Saturdays. In order to really connect with your daughter and discover how she sees herself and her body you have to ask the tough questions and be willing to listen with an open heart (and often a shut mouth) as she answers.

2 mins read

Potato Chive Soup Recipe

One of the most rewarding things about learning to garden is seeing the plants thrive.Although Im a beginner gardener, I’ve learned that chives are such a hearty plant, and seem to flourish with very little maintenance.My lovely friend recently gave me lettuce seeds which I planted in a pot alongside my chives. They are also doing well with very little care.Its amazing those little tiny seeds I planted with …

2 mins read

Food Allergy-Friendly Muffin Recipe

Between allergies and/or trying to avoid certain foods that dont make us feel our best, todays recipe is close to my heart because it can offer a solution to a real challenge.Most of us have close family or friends with allergies and want to be able to offer homemade gifts of love. Keep this recipe in mind for your next brunch or bake sale when you want to offer a baked …

2 mins read

My Little Creature Of Habit

Ive often heard parents talk about the difficulties their kids have with transitions. Sometimes its a change in routine, a change in wardrobe or a change in living situations.Ive never had big issues with my kids and transitions. Even my child with autismdidnt struggle too much in this department. AndI used to think parents dealing with normal transitional stuff were exaggerating the difficulty of it. Until now.My …