2 mins read

Are the Effects of Male Enhancement Pills Permanent?

From promises of an increased libido to a larger penis, natural male enhancement pills lay claim to them all. These herbal dietary supplements, which even purport to treat erectile dysfunction, may seem like a less expensive at-home treatment to address your most private concerns. However, MayoClinic.com and the Center for Science in the Public Interest, or CSPI, warn that the effects of natural male enhancement pills are likely less than transitory — in fact, they may not work at all.

3 mins read

How Women Deal With Erectile Dysfunction

While erectile dysfunction is not something that physically impacts women, those partnered with an erectile dysfunction sufferer will certainly feel the effects. If your partner is struggling with erectile dysfunction, you can play a part in helping him come to terms with and treat the disorder. By learning about erectile dysfunction, you can prepare to modify your relationship to accommodate this challenge.

4 mins read

Drugs to Boost Female Sex Drive

Men have the option of using prescription drugs to treat erectile dysfunction, making it possible for them to perform in the bedroom. However, drugs to boost female sex drive are so scant as to be nonexistent. According to MayoClinic.com, the reason for this is that a woman’s low libido cannot be cured with a pill. Your desire to have sex depends on many different things, such as your physical and emotional health — and the strength of your relationship with a spouse or partner.