5 mins read

Vacation For One

Warm weather is on the horizon. This means parents are starting to think about ideas for a fun summer trip with the kids. The beach? Disney? Camping? But are any of you thinking instead: it would be nice to go on vacation…alone? One mom, Lauren Apfel, wrote about this vacation-for-one concept for the Washington Post.…

4 mins read

Mini-Vacations from Infertility

Last weekend my family and I went on a short vacation to the beach to unwind and relax. My third and final IVF is rapidly approaching, so it was very necessary for me to take the time to be in the present moment, enjoying the beauty of nature and all of the little treasures life has to offer. I was so happy to take a break from thinking about my infertility treatments, and I was actually able to remain stress free and unburdened during my whole time away. The morning we were to go back home, I sadly said goodbye to the ocean.

2 mins read

Top 5 vacation spots

Vacation. One of the most beautiful words in the English language. For me, nothing can match that feeling the day before I jet off to my favorite destination where I can unplug the computer and relax for a few days. And even though my next vacay is still at least a few months away, Id thought Id give you my top five fave spots to unwind.. Now lets talk vacation. Here are my top five fave spots: 1. Maui, Hawaii

4 mins read

Escaping the Stress of Infertility with Mini-Vacations

Last weekend, my family and I went on a short vacation to the beach to unwind and relax. My third and final IVF is rapidly approaching, so it was very necessary for me to take the time to be in the present moment, enjoying the beauty of nature and all of the little treasures life has to offer. I was so happy to take a break from thinking about my infertility treatments, and I was actually able to remain stress free and unburdened during my whole time away. The morning we were to go back home, I sadly said goodbye to the ocean. I realized on my vacation that there were ways I could take mini-vacations that would provide temporary stress relief as I navigate another difficult path on my journey.