4 mins read

Toddlers and Frequent Urination

Frequent urination may involve output of either large or small volumes of urine each time a toddler goes to the potty. Bladder infections are a common cause of frequent urination, particularly among little girls. Children who are potty trained who suddenly have several accidents may be experiencing an underlying medical cause. In fact, urinary tract infection is one of the most common infections that occur in children.

2 mins read

Signs of Bladder Infection During Pregnancy

Bladder infections, also called urinary tract infections (UTI), are the second most common ones to occur in the body, according to the National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse (NKUDIC). Some organizations, like the American Pregnancy Association (APA), believe you are more likely to get a bladder infection during pregnancy.

2 mins read

My Pee-Pee Hurts

At least once a day a child comes in to my office complaining of pain with urination. Parents think that their child has a urinary tract infection (UTI). Although a UTI is a common cause of painful peeing, not all urinary pain is infectious in nature.

2 mins read

Bladder Pressure During Pregnancy

While pregnancy is a time of excitement and anticipation, it is also a time of various physical discomforts. Along with morning sickness, backaches and heartburn, you may experience pressure on your bladder. Although bladder pressure is a common occurrence during pregnancy, certain symptoms may signal the presence of a urinary tract infection.

8 mins read

Tired All the Time? It Might Be What You’re Eating

Youre just a busy mom, the doctor told me after returning with test results that showed no indication of an underlying medical condition that would account for my chronic fatigue: no anemia, no hyperthyroidism, no urinary tract infection or heart issuesall possible causes of extreme exhaustion. Try to give yourself a break, he recommended. Take time to exercise every day, and make sure you get enough sleep. But I did exercise, and I …