4 mins read

What Causes a Woman to Go Into Labor?

Unless you are having an elective cesarean section, your body will go through labor to deliver your baby. Labor is a unique experience for each woman, but the process has some shared similarities. What causes you to go into labor can depend on your body, your baby and your doctor’s treatment.

3 mins read

OCD Treatment for Children

The behaviors associated with obsessive-compulsive disorder can seem strange to people who don’t have it. You might wonder, for example, why your child washes her hands repeatedly, even when they are clean, why your child must count to 10 every time she enters a certain room or why she checks to make sure she closed her door over and over again. People with OCD have an anxiety disorder that manifests itself in thoughts they can’t get rid of. These thoughts lead the OCD sufferer to have strong urges to engage in rituals to banish or ward off the thoughts. The problem with these thoughts and rituals is that they interfere with daily life. Children as young as 5 can have OCD, but the good news is that advances in treatment are being made all the time.

2 mins read

Not Every Mother Can Breastfeed, But All Parents Can Bond

Breastfeeding your baby is ideal for reasons that are indisputable. According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), breast milk contains the right balance of nutrients to help your infant grow into a strong and healthy toddler. Some of the nutrients in breast milk also help protect your infant against some common childhood illnesses and infections. It may also help your health.

4 mins read

This Mother’s Day, Surround Yourself with Beauty

Are your cupboards and closets PACKED with all your fancy entertaining goodies? When was the last time you actually used your “good stuff”? Are you still waiting for an excuse to pull out the china, crystal, silver… your best place settings? Do you still have yourwedding gift serving pieces tucked away under the bed?