4 mins read

Helping Children Overcome Fear of the Unfamiliar

Some kids are adventurous, jumping right in to new situations with abandon. Other kids are cautious and first want to know just what they’re getting themselves into. You can see this behavior by observing toddlers on the playground. Some climb up the slide and can’t wait to go down, while other kids prefer to watch the action first before deciding whether to partake. These cautious kids sometimes exhibit a fear of the unfamiliar. Recognize this in your child and learn how to encourage her.

4 mins read

The Only Mom On The Baseball Field

There are many new experiences that we go through in the wake of a divorce. The feeling of sleeping alone in a bed bought for two, the sudden realization that you have to find a plus one for your friend’s wedding and even figuring out what to do on Sundays once football season starts.

4 mins read

Thinking Ahead about Autism

Thinking Ahead about Autism   What do I mean? I’m talking about planning. Planning because you have a child with autism. This is more than planning for an event or a trip because you just have kids. I mean to take it one step further because you need to think a little more about your…

5 mins read

10 Tips for Safe Trick-or-Treating

With Halloween approaching, parents are mindful of how to keep their kids safe on the most ghoulish of nights. As child safety experts, we’re sure a blog about safety on Halloween isn’t surprising, but we promise this wont be a long boring blog Just a short one to give you a few tips to make it a safe and fun evening for all.