2 mins read

Causes of Low Sex Drive in Women

The ideal magic number of times a woman should engage in sexual activity with herself or a partner each week just doesnt exist, according to the Mayo Clinic. But when an adult woman feels little to no sexual desire, she might have lost her sex drive due to a psychological or physical medical condition. Most women can safely engage in sexual activity even while pregnant, but if theyve lost interest in this natural behavior, it might be time to consider exactly what has caused a reduced sex drive.

3 mins read

Not in the Mood? It Could Be Your Age!

As a woman ages, her attitude about sex may change as well. How a woman feels – physically as well as mentally – can play a part in how aging affects her sex drive. Although aging often decreases a womans desire for sex, there are many things you can do to alter your libido and enhance your sexual experience.

2 mins read

Viagra for Women

Both men and women may experience sexual dysfunction. However, unlike men, women do not have a medically approved oral drug to take for episodes of sexual dysfunction. Viagra is a medication that treats erectile dysfunction in males who have difficulty obtaining or maintaining an erection. Although some doctors may prescribe Viagra for women, it has not been approved for use by women and no studies exist that support the effectiveness of using it to treat female sexual dysfunction.

4 mins read

Bedwetting as a Teenager

Wetting the bed while sleeping is called enuresis. Most children outgrow bed wetting by the age of 6. Three percent of adolescents between 13 and 15 still suffer from enuresis, and 1 percent of teens still wet the bed after their 15th birthday. Most cases of enuresis are not caused by diseases. It is typically caused by the adolescent being an extremely heavy sleeper and the signal between the brain and the bladder not working properly. Wetting the bed can embarrass a teen and cause him to avoid overnight activities away from home. There are things he can do to reduce the chance he will wet the bed.