3 mins read

Early Signs of Mental Illness in Children

While some assume that children are immune from the effects of mental illness, in truth, children can be afflicted with these potentially debilitating disorders just as adults can. If your family has a history of mental illness, or your child’s behavior appears to be well outside the norm, you child may be one of the sizable child population inflicted with a mental illness.

3 mins read

Why Do Women Gain Weight During Pregnancy?

You gained 30 lbs. during pregnancy but your baby only weighed eight of those. But, you don’t feel like you gained all that weight in body fat, so you might be wondering where the rest of that scale jump came from. There are a lot of reasons women gain weight during pregnancy and a lot of different places they gain it. For the most part, those scale increases indicate that your body’s doing its part to prepare you and your baby for a healthy gestation and delivery.

9 mins read

July Astrology Reading

Once we get past the first two days, which are still tangled up in the gridlock of Pluto and Uranus square to the Sun, with teeth bared in some cases, power struggles and other matters like year end fiscal book closings, will be smoothed and organized in a business like way, even if employing a lawyer is what is called for.

11 mins read

June Astrology Reading

Bookended by a Scorpio moon from beginning to end, June rolls in under two significant eclipses, a day apart! The June 4th lunar eclipse, 4:10 am PDT, is followed by the very rare Venus eclipse of the sun, June 5th, 6:10 p.m. for about 3 hours.