4 mins read

How Selfless Are You, Really?

Do you truly think youre selfless? I bet most of us think we are, but in reality we might not be. A true act of selflessness is when you perform an act of kindness without any regard for yourself or your own interest.Meaning that after you paid for coffee for that dude in Starbucks, you dont blast it on Facebook. Its acting in total anonymity.Its not letting the world …

9 mins read

Smart Ways To Manage Your Kids’ Tech Use

School’s out for the summer! When I was a kid, this meant swimming, biking places to meet friends, staying outside (not being allowed inside) until dinner, the beach, and summer camps. Today, know what this means for kids? More screen time, more opportunities to chronicle every second of their summer break on Instagram or Snapchat…

3 mins read

Online Dating Red Flags

Online dating is becoming an increasingly appealing way to meet new people. Skip the expensive drinks and get right into the important questions all in a safe atmosphere. Who could ask for anything more? But no matter how well you screen your dates, there are still a lot of creeps lurking in cyber land. Recognizing common red flags will help protect your heart, wallet and life from these less than chivalrous chaps.