4 mins read

Ways to Bring Martin Luther King, Jr Alive to Kids

Civil rights leader and Nobel Prize winner Martin Luther King died almost 50 years ago. He would have been 87 on January 15. One of my mom friends, who witnessed King’s inspirational 1963 “I Have a Dream” speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, recently told her two kids about her participation. They were…

5 mins read

When Your Child Steals – Four Tips to Turn Things Around

“Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.” - Mark Twain Week 1: Cure for the gimme’s. My five-year-old son, Alessio, is crazy for Legos. Especially the Starship Trooper mega Legos, which he recently saw at the Chabot Space Museum. There is nothing wrong with collecting things, especially brainy toys that train…

8 mins read

What Kind of Candy Mom Are You?

Considering that it was Halloween last week, you can just imagine how many people – friends, family members, clients, and colleagues alike – asked me: Just what are you going to do with all the candy your kids collect?

14 mins read

Denise Richards on Motherhood, Career and Charlie Sheen

I spent the afternoon in New York last week with long distance friend, mom, and actress Denise Richards. We chatted over tea and scones, and then I decided to ask her some questions and find out what it’s like to be a single, working mom in the spotlight. Denise was candid, honest and sincere about her life. I give you our interview…

4 mins read

ModernMom Chronicles: Chapter Thirty Four

The only time she engages in meaningful conversation is when the children are asleep. Its a fact shes come to accept over the years. Prior to their bedtime, every sentence was interrupted by a high-pitched Mom! and then shed forget her point. Now, she responds to almost everyone in one syllable. No. Anyway, shes no longer certain that she has anything important to say. When there is time to talk, its usually with Michael and these discussions revolve around the needs of the children. A cavity. Shin guards. Lice, again.