3 mins read

Circuit Training Workouts for Kids

While gyms and fitness boot camps often use circuit training to target people’s major muscle groups and keep the heart rate raised, children’s circuit training has a variety of goals and benefits. The primary aspect of effective kids’ circuit training is that it offers diverse, developmentally appropriate activities that do not rely as much on calisthenics, floor work or hydraulic exercise machines. Keep the pace fast and the mood upbeat, and children will discover new challenges.

3 mins read

Train Decor for Children’s Rooms

Your children can embark on a whirlwind expedition without every leaving their bedrooms. Train decor is an enduring classic for a child’s bedroom, incorporating machinery, gears, engines, toys, stations and railroad cars. Invite your children to participate in creating train theme decor by painting images of trains to hang on the wall or by filling their shelves with thematic books, toys and artwork.

12 mins read

Helpful Tips for Empty Nest Moms

If youre a seasoned mom who woke up one morning and suddenly wondered, OMG, how did I get here?and then cringe, you just might be experiencing what is commonly referred to as Empty Nest Syndrome.

7 mins read

The New Normal: Life After Hurricane Sandy

Before I begin on my rant about this b*tch Sandy and what she has done to Long Island and the Tri-State area – let me make myself clear that I know that I’m one of the lucky ones. I only lost power for few days. I HAVE my home. I HAVE my children. I HAVE my life. I AM THANKFUL.

10 mins read

Keeping Kids Safe Around Electricity

Did you know that October 9 – 15 is National Fire Prevention Week? Each year, nearly 500 people are killed in the United States in home fires that involveelectrical failure or malfunction. According to the National Fire Protection Agency, these types of fires injure more than 1,400 people and resultin more than $1.3 billion in property damage annually.