5 mins read

The Tragedy of the Discontinued Shorts

Dear Person At Lands End Who Decides Which Items to Discontinue, Im going to keep this friendly, because Im hoping that youll help me out here. Im sure that you have really great kids. The kind of kids who are adorable and polite and look like they stepped out of well, a Lands End catalogue. (I was totally going to say a J. Crew catalogue but then I was all, duh!)

6 mins read

Learning From Tragedy: The Leiby Kletzky Abduction & Murder

When tragedy happens we need to learn from it. There is only one person to blame for the senseless death of Leiby Kletzky, an innocent 8-year-old boy, – the predator monster that stole his precious life.As I spent the day angry, outraged at the madness of it all, my heart breaking for his family and community I still cant help but know – this was an avoidable tragedy, little Leiby didnt not have to die at the hands of an utterly deranged killer.

5 mins read

Tragedy is a Hard Teacher

Tragedy came to call in 2006; not a welcomed guest. I certainly didnt invite it and I hated it. No one wants to be tested this way. Tragedy ripped my family apart and changed the landscape of our lives forever. On February 13, 2006 my youngest son Luke accepted a ride home after Lacrosse from a fellow student, an acquaintance he barely knew. This young driver made a very reckless decision with his vehicle resulting in a very serious accident, which claimed the life of my son. Luke was buried on February 18th, one day shy of his sixteenth birthday. A devastating moment to say the least.

7 mins read

All Aboard the Holiday Express…

The holiday season. I liken it to an express train on a long, straight track: You can see it coming from miles away, but you don’t realize how fast it’s approaching until it’s flying by, leaving your ears ringing, your hair a windswept mess, and the pit of your stomach churning with unspent adrenaline. With…