5 mins read

Distraction Verses Obsession in Children with Autism

I spent last week pondering these two ideas. Why? Well, here’s the set up: My son is currently obsessed with Pokemon. It started last spring when a buddy got him into it. They play it together now, and it’s pretty much all my son plays these days. Not only plays, but talks about. And, thinks…

3 mins read

Pore Extraction

So you’ve finally gotten around to doing something nice for yourself for a change and are getting a facial. You are ready to relax and be pampered, knowing that your skin will look more fresh when you’re through. You arrive at the spa and are perhaps in a candlelit room with soft music playing in the background. What could be more relaxing? That is, until the esthetician starts in on your pores. Ouch!

2 mins read

Contractions & Childbirth

“I’m starting contractions!” In movies and on television shows, that cry means a mother’s about to start childbirth. In real life, however, contractions can come and go during pregnancy. Understanding the various kinds of contractions–and why they occur–can help relieve some stress during pregnancy. It can also help mothers-to-be recognize and take action when contractions may indicate potential problems.

8 mins read

Our Last Minute Gift Picks For Mom

There's a few short days left before we celebrate mom! Some of you may already have it all together, planned, wrapped and tagged (we love you for that). But, for those of you who have a bazillion balls that you are juggling and you just have not had the chance to grab that perfect gift…