3 mins read

Baby Gender Selection Methods

It’s natural for a father who already has three girls to want a boy next time. But should he be able to make that choice? Reproductive technologies exist to make sex selection a reality. However, many people believe that sex selection is ethically wrong. The UN reports, for example, that every day in India, 2,000 women abort a baby girl. Called feticide, this is a form of sex selection. When sex selection occurs for medical reasons, many people support the phenomenon.

3 mins read

When is the Rhythm Method of Birth Control Safe?

While jokes abound about the rhythm method, it can be a reliable method of natural family planning that prevents pregnancy effectively. Modern knowledge about fertility patterns and signs can help you to make good choices about when to engage in sexual activity and when to abstain, when you are using the rhythm method. To know when you are safe and when you are not, you need to know your own cycle and your body.

6 mins read

Sleep Training: The Myths and Facts

Sleep training is a hotly debated topic. Advocates and opponents have set up camps on two opposing sides of the sleep training divide with seemingly no middle ground. Proponents of sleep training argue that it does not harm the child and has benefits for the child and family. Opponents say that “cry-it-out” techniques are cruel…

6 mins read

My Family’s Sleep Training Saga

Its 11:40 at night, David Letterman is on the tube and I am afraid to go to bed. I just finished a date night, got my fill of romance and I should be fast asleep, but instead I am awaiting the sound of footsteps to come stomping down the hallway. Im ashamed to admit that we are back in the full swing of trying to sleep train our children.

2 mins read

Free Ovulation Calculator for Pregnancy

Planning your pregnancy involves determining when you want your baby to arrive. Although you can’t guarantee the exact date of your baby’s birth, knowing when you ovulate can help you determine the best time to have intercourse. An ovulation calculator, as well as physical ovulation indicators, can help you narrow down the time of ovulation.