3 mins read

How Not to Get Pregnant Without Using Birth Control

If you are in a relationship and do not want to become pregnant, you may be undecided about your birth control method. If you don’t want to rely on hormonal birth control or barrier methods, you can try fertility awareness. When you know the days you have a high chance of becoming pregnant, you can avoid intercourse on those days. In the fertility awareness method, both the man and woman are responsible for preventing pregnancy together.

3 mins read

Types of Family Planning

Family planning, also known as contraception or birth control, is a way to control unwanted pregnancies. Many methods of family planning are available, so each couple should be able to find one that is right for them. Talk to your health-care provider to determine the best type of birth control for you. When picking out the best method of contraception, a doctor factors in your health and whether you have and want children.

2 mins read

Is it Possible to Not Get Pregnant Without Using a Condom?

You can prevent a baby without using a condom. Which method of contraception you choose will depend on how often you need it, how permanent you need it to be and how comfortable you are with using the product. Many contraceptive options can save you from a pregnancy scare for months on end, while other options can keep you baby-free for the rest of your life.

3 mins read

Can You Get Pregnant Without Menstruating?

It’s easy to think that you can’t get pregnant if you’re not having a regular menstrual cycle. It makes perfect sense that if you’re not having periods, you’re not fertile. The truth is that whether or not you can become pregnant depends on why you’re not menstruating and if you’re ovulating. Even if you’re not having regular periods, you could become pregnant and should use birth control to prevent pregnancy unless you’re trying to conceive.

2 mins read

Homemade Wrinkle Lotion

Commercial wrinkle lotions range in price and effectiveness. The products, while often viewed as necessary, sometimes contain unpronounceable ingredients that cause skin irritation and redness. Making your own lotion to treat wrinkles solves many of the problems experienced with purchased products. You will know exactly what went into the lotion, as well as the safety and effectiveness of the ingredients all while saving money.