2 mins read

The Incredible Kindness Of My Son’s Hockey Teammates

Theres a general statement I often hear about kids, usually when there has been an incident of bullying or unkind behavior. That statement is: kids are so mean.I cringe every time I hear it because: a) Its not true b) Generalizations dont serve anyone well and usually end up making me feel twitchy.Unlike the bullying stories you often hear, I recently had an experience with my 14-year-old son that left …

9 mins read

July Astrology Reading

Once we get past the first two days, which are still tangled up in the gridlock of Pluto and Uranus square to the Sun, with teeth bared in some cases, power struggles and other matters like year end fiscal book closings, will be smoothed and organized in a business like way, even if employing a lawyer is what is called for.

9 mins read

February Astrology Reading

What is it about Aquarians? There have been more US Presidents born in February than any other sign. Washington, Lincoln, Reagan, William Henry Harrison and although his birth was January 30th, FDR was also an Aquarian. With the exception of Washington, the other three were born earlier in the month, under the star, Danistha, symbolized in the Hindu myth

11 mins read

November Astrology Reading

Surgeons, generals and spies excel under the Scorpio sky, its that kind of depth and power which scores the early November election season every two years. When else could they be possibly held? After the first two days square involving several inner planets, the wildness and buzz calms down for a minute and we can look ahead to some of the highlights of this month.