6 mins read

Why Aren’t We Demanding Universal Daycare?

For too many working parents, summer is a nerve-wracking roller coaster of scattershot camps, vacations with relatives, and kids left alone for too long. We gratefully return our children to regular school in September. This nutty break is stressful for parents and kids — a far cry from idealized summers together at the pool, beach or backyard.

4 mins read

The New Technology Police

unny, I thought parents and teachers were supposed to keep an eye on our kids.Yet there is a technology company whose mission is to sell schools daily monitoring reports of students’ social media chats. For a fee, the company, Geo Listening, tracks students social media posts. Schools then receive daily reports sorted into the following categories: cyber bullying, despair, hate, crime, vandalism, truancy, and substance abuse.Why? We adults are failing in our efforts …

9 mins read

Four Money Traps Every Mom Should Know

The last thing I expected as I headed up the freeway from San Diego to Los Angeles was a money trap. Traffic? Yes. Frustration and delays? Naturally. But a money trap? Never. Halfway there I had a choice: jump on a wide-open toll road or sit in a sea of traffic only to arrive at my appointment sweaty and swearing. It was an easy but costly decision: my $6.50 toll quickly turned into a …

7 mins read

When Bad Parenting IS Our Business

I can imagine few things more horrifying than living for months on a 36-foot sailboat with a 3-year-old and 12-month-old.Youd have to pay me, oh, about 20 million bucks to step foot onto a small sailboat with two young kids.And even then, I wouldn’t do it. I wouldn’t even take kids that age on an ocean liner cruise ship. For the simple reason that I would be endangering the lives …

4 mins read

5 Solutions to De-Stress the After School Schedule

In a recent KidsHealth survey, almost 90 percent of students said they felt stressed day in and day out. And so often, when kids are stressed, their parents are as well. Just as much pressure can be felt after the school bell rings as during school hours. If your after-school schedule feels more hurried, stressful, and complicated than you would prefer, try the following the solutions to make life a little simpler for you and your child: Reassess the After-School Schedule