4 mins read

Tax Tips for Gifts to Charity

Although you donate gifts to a charity as an act of kindness, your charitable generosity may give you some much needed tax relief. Each time you make a donation, regardless if it is monetary, a service rendered or material items, make sure you obtain some type of record for your donation. When it comes time to file your tax return, pull out those records for the gifts you gave to charity throughout the year, and you could possibly decrease the amount of taxes you owe. Monetary Donations

10 mins read

Avoid the April 15th Mad Dash With This Tax Prep Schedule

In eight short weeks, whether you like it or not, your tax return is due. Dont let it sneak up on you. Theres no reason tax time has to be a stressful flurry of last-minute preparations capped off with a sprint to the post office (or accountant). If you take a few little steps each week, youll be pleasantly surprised at how much easier it all comes together on April 15th. But, unless youre a financial-type, you may not be sure how to break down such a daunting task. That is why weve put together this tax prep schedule. Although it may seem like a lot of steps, the average appointment on the following list should take you no more than sixty minutes to complete and many may take less than five. Stick to this schedule and youll be more likely to make it through this tax season gauntlet mistake-free and with sanity in tact.

6 mins read

Put Your Money To Work!

Seems like every time I turn around one survey after another is asking me about my income. Even my church seems to care how much money I make! I find it amusing that not once in the past 43 years have I ever been asked how much money I save. And at the end of the day isnt that a more relevant number? Its time to stop thinking only about the amount of …

6 mins read

Why Aren’t We Demanding Universal Daycare?

For too many working parents, summer is a nerve-wracking roller coaster of scattershot camps, vacations with relatives, and kids left alone for too long. We gratefully return our children to regular school in September. This nutty break is stressful for parents and kids — a far cry from idealized summers together at the pool, beach or backyard.

7 mins read

Ten Financial Tips for Women Seriously Considering Divorce

1. Get informed. In order to have an idea of where you stand financially after divorce you need to figure out your financial status as a married couple. Gather all of the documents pertaining to your assets and liabilities. Each current account statement, whether it’s reporting the mortgage balance, credit card balance, Individual Retirement Account value, student loan, etc.