6 mins read

School of Swagger – Welcome To Puberty For Boys

This article is in partnership with Old Spice but our opinions are our own. Puberty is a super tough time for kids but it's also tricky for parents too. Right? I know when I bring up anything to my kids about how their bodies are changing, hair in funny places or their new, less than…

3 mins read

It’s Official: I’m a Minivan Mom

Its funny how much your life can change in a decade. In my young 20s I envisioned the next 10 years to bring me a fast-paced career as a journalist, travel and maybe a child or two. I would be fashionable and cool and tuned into the latest trends.

1 min read

How to Clean a Suede Handbag

Yes, it would be easier to tote cotton, linen or denim. Those fabric handbags are so easy to wash, and you can breathe easy when a toddler comes charging at it. But you have swagger. You don’t need to hide behind cotton. You aren’t afraid to trot out of the house with a suede bag. You bring it everywhere with your kiddos, even around spit, paint, dirt and mouthfuls of crackers and apple juice. You walk with confidence into the playgroup, and all the other moms just bow down to your suede-covered courage.

3 mins read

How to Spot a Player When Dating

If you’re looking for a long-term, meaningful relationship, don’t date a player. Players offer short-lived thrills with no substance. They come on strong, get what they want and leave with little notice. Players view dating as some kind of sport, where the goal is to woo as many people as possible. Most players share some of the same characteristics and can be weeded out of your dating pool if you pay attention to a few telltale red flags.