5 mins read

Taking a Family Approach to Health and Weight Loss

As a Mom if you put an emphasis on health it will motivate your children to eat better and be more active. Your involvement is crucial, and even better, get the entire family on board, engaged and focused on health. It changes the focus from losing weight to choosing the right foods and being active…

3 mins read

Why Do Women Gain Weight During Pregnancy?

You gained 30 lbs. during pregnancy but your baby only weighed eight of those. But, you don’t feel like you gained all that weight in body fat, so you might be wondering where the rest of that scale jump came from. There are a lot of reasons women gain weight during pregnancy and a lot of different places they gain it. For the most part, those scale increases indicate that your body’s doing its part to prepare you and your baby for a healthy gestation and delivery.

3 mins read

How Weight Gain Occurs With Pregnancy

Weight gain is a natural part of pregnancy. Your growing belly accommodates your baby, but your weight also increases with other fluids and body changes. The increased numbers on the scale causes anxiety in some pregnant women. As long as you eat a healthy diet and stay within the recommended weight gain ranges, remember that the weight is necessary for your baby’s healthy development.

6 mins read

How These Moms Won Big Bucks for Losing Weight!

“I felt like people treated me differently when I was overweight; they didn’t take me as seriously or respect me,” says Jennie, describing her weight loss transformation. Now she says, “I feel alive. I have my confidence back!” A year ago, Jennie weighed almost 200 pounds — and she needed a change. “I totally hated…