1 min read

New Study Suggests 1 in 38 Children Has Autism

The United States estimates that 1 in every 110 children has autism. However, a new study that was recently conducted in South Korea shows drastically different statistics. The authors of the study estimate that 1 in 38 children (2.64% compared to Americas estimated 1%) has autism.

1 min read

New Study Proves Pot Lowers IQ Points

Does smoking pot make you stupid? New research suggests that lighting up joints on a regular basis may lower a person’s IQ… for life. A recently published study out of New Zealand has been following 1,037 for the past 25 years. The subjects of the study were issued IQ tests at age 13 and again at age 38. Throughout the study, participants were surveyed about their drug use.

1 min read

Couples Who Run Together Have More Sex

Does working up a sweat with your partner make things hotter in the bedroom? A new study suggests that couples should strap on “his and her” sneakers! Couples who run together apparently have more sex, at least according to a Brooks Running survey of 1,000 adults ages 18 or older who run at least once a week.

1 min read

Simple Questionnaire May Help Detect Autism Before Age 1

A quick and simple questionnaire filled out by parents may help detect autism in children as young as 1 year old, a new study suggests. The 24-item questionnaire, which assesses a child’s ability to communicate with eye contact, sounds, and gestures, may guide infants who show early signs of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) into appropriate treatments at earlier ages.