1 min read

New Study Proves Pot Lowers IQ Points

Does smoking pot make you stupid? New research suggests that lighting up joints on a regular basis may lower a person’s IQ… for life. A recently published study out of New Zealand has been following 1,037 for the past 25 years. The subjects of the study were issued IQ tests at age 13 and again at age 38. Throughout the study, participants were surveyed about their drug use.

3 mins read

Study Finds Father’s Age is Linked to Risk of Autism

A new study published in the journal, Nature, found that a mans age may affect his childs chances of developing autism or schizophrenia. This is because random mutations in the chromosomes provided by the father become more prevalent as the man gets older. The research was prompted by the belief that increasing cases of autism in the last few years may be due to the increasing age at which couples are starting families. However, it also noted that the age of the mother had little or nothing to do with the outcome of her child developing autistic traits.

2 mins read

Parents Beware: Bounce House Injuries on the Rise!

Yikes! Is a classic bit of birthday fun ending in too many bumps, bruises and broken bones? The number of kids hurt while using inflatable bounce houses and moonwalks has risen dramatically since 1995, according to a new study published in Pediatrics. Researchers found that the injury rate has risen a staggering 1,500% in the past 15 years. Between 1995 and 2010, nearly 65,000 children were treated for bounce house related injuries,with the years between 2008 and 2010 seeing a doubling of the injury rate.

2 mins read

Could Rosacea be Caused by Tiny Skin Mites?

Bad news for germaphobes everywhere – we’ve got some creepy crawly news that will make your skin tingle. According to a recent study published by the Journal of Medical Microbiology, rosacea may be linked to bacteria carried by tiny mites that live in the sweat and oil glands on the face.