6 mins read

Puppy-Proof Your House: Pet Safety Tips For The Holiday Season

A lot of people find the holidays stressful… but have you ever considered that your pet might feel the same way? Imagine you’re only about eight inches tall and roughly 10 pounds. Now imagine that your world is suddenly full of new stuff, like strangely breakable colored balls hung from a giant tree and people you’ve never met before!

15 mins read

How to Raise a Polite Child

Have you ever wished your little one hadnt blurted out that naughty word to his oh-so proper grandparents — an expletive he evidently learned when you accidentally slammed your finger in the door last week? Have you ever watched your child eat and, in horror, had to ask yourself, Did he just watch Animal Planet before this meal? Has your child ever done something so embarrassing that the only thing you can do is smile politely, apologize and glance around you with the I-want-to-crawl-in-a-hole-right-now look? Welcome to the club!

4 mins read

Finding Relief From Pelvic Pain

The following is part 1 in a three-part series onfinding relief from pelvic pain through physical therapy, yoga, and other complementary therapies.Question from Kate, a mother of two boys, ages 5 and 7:”I have pelvic pain due to a non-relaxing pelvic floor. I cannot even sit down without pain. I am already doing pelvic physical therapy and have had multiple therapies (see below). What can yoga do to help me find relief …

3 mins read

Holiday Decorating Safety Tips

The following is a guest post byRachel Blackburn, formerRN Remediesblogger atChildrens Hospital Los Angeles.Growing up, my mom, sister and I would decorate the house for the holiday. We would spend hours hemming and hawing over what went where, and my dad would generally escape the mayhem and go string lights on the outside of the house (smart man). Now that I have kids of my own, I want them …