3 mins read

Can Yo-Yo Dieting Affect Your Fertility?

Nearly all of us have wanted to drop a couple of pounds at some point in our lives. Unfortunately, many women learned about dreaded “d” word even before they knew their multiplication tables…. but did you know that dieting at a young age can have serious health consequences? In fact, drastic weight changes and excessive dieting can even be associated with problems getting pregnant and even infertility. Here are a few reasons why yo-yo dieting may be to blame for pregnancy struggles: Disruptions in Ovulation

4 mins read

How Your Dinner Plate Can Affect Your Diet

Did you know that your dinner plates can actually affect the amount of food you andyour children consume? As a mom and dietitian, I understand the need for parents to feed their kids well while fostering a positive relationship with food. This relationship is more complicated than the nutritional value of what you serve, however; in fact, it actually begins with your servingware.

2 mins read

How Parenting Styles Affect Children

Parenting styles range from permissive to authoritarian. While a wide variety of parenting can produce respectful and responsible adults, most of us strive to do more than provide adequate parenting. Making good choices about parenting styles and practices can help your child’s self esteem, behavior and success in life. As any parent knows, good parenting is all about choosing your battles and forming a good, strong and loving relationship with your child. The parenting style that works for you and your children is a critical part of forming this relationship.