3 mins read

Signs of a Stressed Baby in the Womb

While most babies develop without any problems, some infants experience stress prior to birth. Situations that compromise your baby’s blood and oxygen supply can occur during pregnancy and childbirth. Certain symptoms, such as a decrease in fetal movements, may alert you to the possibility that your baby is in distress. Notify your doctor if you have any concerns regarding the health and development of your unborn baby.

2 mins read

Why Do Moms Feel More Stressed? Multitasking!

How often do you find yourself simultaneously tending to your child and work? According to a newly published study in the American Sociological Review the answer to the above question would be, quite often. Most moms are spending more hours multitasking and its making us grumpy!

6 mins read

25 Years Later: New Parents Are Still Sleep-Deprived & Stressed

NBCs “Up All Night” is the latest comedy to tackle how ones life is upended after you become a parent. And while it treads on the same ground addressed by other shows, including one of my favorites from the Stone Ages, “thirtysomething,” it does so in a thoroughly fresh way, circa 2011. The most recent episode of Christina ApplegateandWill Arnetts “Up All Night” focused on the couple trying to regain their sexual mojo, with Arnetts Chris leading the charge, trying to persuade his wife to ditch her sweats and her stained, ripped clothing the moment she gets home from work and instead don a silky cami and thong, even though she knows that shes got a sleepless night ahead of her courtesy of their infant.

5 mins read

Mom Confession: I Got Stressed And Snapped At My Ex

Yesterday was the first day of school for the children. They were all awake VERY early, eager with anticipation. My two oldest are a freshman and sophomore in high school. Loughlin had the excitement that comes with not being the baby in the school and knowing her way around, her sister Aidan was a bundle of nerves about going. They were up at 5:30 am picking out their outfits (they must have tried on EVERY outfit in their closet…the oneIhadthem pick up the night before), straightening their hair (which always makes me smile beca