1 min read

How To Stay Motivated For The Long Term in Blogging & Life

Are there dreams in life that youve given up on or are struggling to stay motivated? Do you have a blog but feel youve lost your mojo? Do you wonder how you can provide value to your readers? Youre not alone! Staying motivated is extremely important in accomplishing any dream. In this video I talk about 4 motivating factors that will help keep you on track! Check out my video:

6 mins read

The Family That Zip-Lines Together, Stays Together

Way back in March, my husband and I sat at a table with a bunch of other couples who had also had too much to drink, at the live auction fundraiser for my kids’ elementary school. At one point, when a week at a luxurious house in Costa Rica came up, we and another couple decided to go for it. It was one of those s

10 mins read

“Laughing Baby” Mom Shares Viral Video Secrets

Hes been called the Laughing Baby in the media. On YouTube, his video is appropriately titled Baby Laughing Hysterically at Ripping Paper, and in just two months, its attracted over 16 million views. To define it best in web slang: His video has gone viral. Its catapulted a 10-month-old boy to a type of celebrity status, plucking a small family from St. Louis, Missouri, and plopping them down on the couch of televisions The Today Show.

3 mins read

The Best Family Video Games

To say that kids like to play video games is like saying men like to have the remote control or that women like diamonds. It’s a given. The Kaiser Family Foundation website reported in 2002 that 92 percent of kids aged 2 to 17 play video games and spend an average of about an hour a day doing so. As a parent, you probably want to make sure your child is playing family video games.