8 mins read

To Work or Stay at Home? That is the Great Mom Question

The debate of “Working Mom” vs. “Stay at Home Mom” has been going on for centuries. Starting with the cave women, I am sure that Betty resented Wilma, who got to stay home while Betty was out foraging for food and supplies, all because Barney was too busy trying to invent the wheel, or making fire or goofing off at that Buffalo Lodge.

10 mins read

10 Things Happy Moms Do Differently

“Today’s feminism isn’t about women doing it all. It’s about women NOT having to do it all.” -Gloria SteinemI began buying into the myth of “doing it all” at an early age. In my 20s, I had my checklist life in mind: start a lucrative career right after college, meet someone and fall in love, get married by age 30, get my career to a successful enough point that I could …